April 19, 2022
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Sometimes our passion can cause us to say things that are extreme. But when those things are taken out of context, they can seem harmful. Watch today’s video to see how apostle Paul did it. in today’s Nature Documentary in title (When the Rains Come – Arabian Inferno) – Many are not aware about the diverse wildlife that is found in Saudi Arabia. Many of these species have adapted to the Arabian climate over the years and are only found in Arabia in the wild. The animal life in Saudi Arabia is very limited due to the desert climate and most of the animals live either off the coast in the seas or in the southwest where there is more greenery. The most notable mammal in the country is the camel although smaller mammals also exist like the ibex goat hyena and smaller mammals and rodents. The point of this Nature Documentary is based on the Bible Verse in Psalm 91;1 – The Heavens Declare the Glory of God; The Skies Proclaim the Work of His Hands. Enjoy today’s show and thanks for watching.